Our Storyfrom small beginnings come great things Retro Traffic is an established traffic management company based in Sydney that has been providing a superior level of service to clients for more than 30 years. Established in 1987, under the meticulous eye of Peter...
Our Valuestraffic management with real purpose Here at Retro Traffic, our true purpose lies in our contribution to the long-term success of infrastructure projects, by providing our clients with the safest and most efficient work environment in which to get the job...
Ausgrid CBD East Cable Project Thiess, Ausgrid and Parson Brinkerhoff formed an alliance to manage and deliver transmission cable projects as part of Ausgrids $8 billion investment in an extensive infrastructure program to upgrade aging networks. Under the TraCa...
Parramatta Light Rail Enabling Works Retro Traffic is currently engaged on the enabling works for the Parramatta Light Rail Project. This includes the provision of all traffic management services, equipment and crews as well as attending weekly technical...
Sydney Light Rail Project Retro Traffic is currently engaged on the Sydney Light Rail Project, supplying traffic management services and personnel on the George St section from Circular Quay to Central Station. We have provided resources on this project on a 24/7...